Enjoy a Snow Day! Let Us Take Care of the Housework.

Winter is a unique time of the year, especially in New England. We sometimes can feel guilty to “neglect” some of our indoor tasks, but it’s important to make the most of the snowy outdoor activities, too! As we seek to start off this New Year well, here are a few fun, affordable winter activities… Read more »

2021 Cleaning Gift Certificates: Birthdays, Anniversaries and More

It’s a new year, and that means we’re approaching another cycle of your loved ones’ birthdays and anniversaries. After the holidays, it can be tricky to come up with new and creative gifts (especially for those winter birthdays), but we have an easy solution for you: a gift certificate for a clean home! Did you… Read more »

DIY: Make Your Own Disinfecting Wipes

With all the creepy, unseen viruses in our world today, we all want to do our part in minimizing the spreading of germs. Unfortunately, it is getting harder to find certain items that were once so readily available — including disinfectant wipes. They can be difficult to locate and a little pricey at times, but… Read more »

New Year, New Home Services

Happy 2021! This New Year, we’re resolving to make the most of every moment and focus on goals that matter most. Let’s work to make this the best year yet! It’s important to spend your time doing the things you love and leave the dirty details to professionals. Let us help you take some of… Read more »

Do UV Lamps and Wands Work?

Are UV ion lamps and wands safe? Do they really disinfect surfaces and kill viruses? These are great questions. As the flu season approaches, UV lamps and wands are some additional treatments you can provide in your own home to keep you and your family safe. There are many UV lamps and wands to choose… Read more »

Keep Your Home Clean This Winter Break

As we all know, this has been a unique and challenging year. Everyone has been homebound for much of it, but now many students are back to school in person whether partially or fully. Whatever your children’s schooling set-up, winter break is approaching, and it’s important to evaluate how to best keep your home clean… Read more »

Disinfectant Safety: Best Practices to Stay Healthy During the Christmas Season

Don’t you love the automatic doors where you shop? Unfortunately, not all stores have the convenience of sanitary door options. Have you opened the store door and then searched frantically for your hand sanitizer?  One day while out with a friend, we stopped for lunch at a local diner. Before I reached the door she… Read more »

Give the Gift of a Clean Home: TLC Gift Certificates

The holidays are sneaking up on us, and it’s time to start nailing down your gifts for loved ones. And what could be a better (or more practical) Christmas present than a gift certificate for a sparkling home? That’s right — TLC Home Services offers cleaning gift certificates. The certificate recipient will be grateful for… Read more »

Post-Thanksgiving Clean-Up: Prepare for Your Christmas Celebrations

With Thanksgiving 2020 under our belt (and all the food that comes with it), there’s so much excitement for Christmas and the other upcoming holidays! But after one completed holiday, your well-lived-in house is likely a bit of a mess again. The muddy footprints and food-covered furniture are signs of a good time, but it’s… Read more »

Battling Flu Season: Clean, Disinfect and Sanitize

With colds coming in waves and the flu rearing its head, keeping a clean home is essential to keeping a healthy home this winter. From December through February, flu season will be at its peak, though it can linger until May. Are you ready to battle the germs this year? According to the CDC, cleaning,… Read more »