4 Cozy Touches to Include in Your Home This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is approaching, and today we’ve got some tips for how to make your home feel nice and cozy. Whether you’re hosting family or friends, or relaxing after the big day, these four simple touches will help you to create a cozy, festive environment.

Tip 1: Put Hot Apple Cider on the Stove

Apple cider is a delicious fall beverage you can either get in the store or make yourself (here’s a yummy recipe). Having this treat simmering on the stove can spread a nice, fall aroma throughout your kitchen. It will also give you something warm to sip on as you catch up with friends and family during your Thanksgiving gathering.

Tip 2: Put Throw Blankets on Your Couches and Chairs

Having throw blankets nearby will give both you and your guests something warm and soft to snuggle up with when you feel chilly. Even if you don’t use the blanket, having it along the back of your sofa can add extra cushioning and comfort. Throw blankets come in all sorts of sizes, colors, and patterns, so you can find blankets that match your couches, fall-colored blankets, or even blankets with turkeys on them!

Tip 3: Pull Out Your Fall Scented Candles

One great way to make your home feel extra cozy is to put fall-scented candles out. In the bathroom, the living room, and even the kitchen, fall-scented candles can fill your home with pleasant smells. The sense of smell is strongly linked to memories, so you can use candles that remind you of past holidays or you can use new candles to create new memories with your loved ones.

Tip 4: Bake a Yummy Fall-Themed Dessert

Maybe candles aren’t your thing, or maybe they smell good enough to eat. Either way, another option to fill your home with warm and cozy scents is to bake a yummy dessert. Baking can be a fun activity to do with your friends or family, especially if there are children around. And, unlike the yummy-smelling candles, you can actually eat the dessert when it’s done! If you’re looking for an idea of what to make, here’s a recipe for Downeast Maine Pumpkin Bread that we recommend.

Bonus Tip: Call T.L.C. Home Services

Along with these four tips, another great way to create a cozy-feeling home for Thanksgiving is to make an appointment with T.L.C. Home Services! T.L.C. can stop by for a deep cleaning, a weekly refresh, or whatever kind of cleaning you need. Give yourself and your guests a comfy, cozy place to celebrate the holiday by calling T.L.C. Home Services today.

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