Microfiber Clothes vs Paper Towels

Microfiber Cloths

Paper towels are expensive for cleaning! Consider using microfiber cloths for an inexpensive way to fight dirt and grime! Microfiber cloths come in a variety of colors so it’s easy to designate a color to a separate task! We use blue for polishing furniture, a different shade of blue for the window cloth, white for all-purpose cleaning, and green for dusting! If you have old white T-shirts hanging around, cut them up and use them to remove lint from glass and mirrors and see the sparkle! Use old rags for cleaning inside an oven (throw out when finished) or washing woodwork. Here’s a great tip to remember which color is used for which task. Take the color microfiber cloth that you will use for polishing your furniture and lay it over the bottle of furniture polish! We use a rubber band to secure it to the bottle and to make it easier when you’re ready to polish!

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